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【Artist News】13th Drukyul’s Literature and Arts Festival

Tansbao藝術家Zimbiri獲邀參加第十三屆 Drukyul文學與藝術節,這是不丹一年一度的文學和藝術慶典,由不丹皇室支持成立至今。今年的主題是「啟發、演變、喚起」,鼓勵參與者探索個人成長,同時反思不丹豐富的藝術和文學傳承,並促進積極轉變的精神。

Zimbiri 是第一位在不丹舉辦個展的女性藝術家,曾受邀參與印度藝術博覽會、 香港巴塞爾國際藝術展、德里當代藝術週、英國倫敦亞洲藝術週 及臺北國際藝術博覽會 等國際展會。她的藝術作品通過將當代主題與傳統工藝結合,展示不丹文化,完美地呈現了將傳統材料和圖像轉化為當代藝術,是目前不丹當代藝術界備受矚目的藝術家。

Tansbao Artist Zimbiri has been invited to the 13th drukyuls literature festival, Bhutan’s annual celebration of literature and art, supported by the Bhutanese Royal Family. This year’s theme, “Enlighten, Evolve, and Evoke,” encourages participants to explore personal growth while reflecting on Bhutan’s rich artistic and literary heritage and fostering positive transformation.

Zimbiri is the first Bhutanese femaleartist to hold a solo exhibition and has participated in prestigious events like the India Art Fair, Art Basel Hong Kong , Delhi Contemporary Artweek , London’s Asia Art Week , and Art Taipei. Her art showcases Bhutanese culture by blending contemporary themes with traditional craftsmanship, exemplifying the transformation of traditional materials into modern expressions, and establishing her as a leading figure in Bhutan’s contemporary art scene.




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