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【Artist News】Painting the Unseen-WORDS David Hecht with Gyempo Wangchuk|ART Gyempo Wangchuk

丹之寶 藝術家Gyempo Wangchuk作為不丹唯一能夠兼具傳統唐卡繪畫與當代藝術創作的藝術家,其藝術成就斐然。

在傳統唐卡創作領域,Gyempo 曾四次贏得不丹全國藝術競賽;2023 年被國家授予「唐卡大師」(Master of Thanhka) 的最高榮耀,成為不丹藝術史上最年輕的唐卡大師。

然而Gyempo 對於藝術的渴求,讓他的創作之路不僅止於唐卡的成就,2012年 Gyempo 開始進入當代藝術的創作領域,在不丹當代藝術之父 Asha Kama的帶領下,將其在不丹傳統藝術的訓練與當代藝術美學概念相互揉合,創造出自己獨特的當代藝術觀。

Gyempo 對於當代藝術的細膩觀察與成熟表現,讓他近幾年國際邀展合作頻繁:2021年美國魯賓美術館 (Rubin Museum of Art) 合作計畫、2022年作品《Healing》登上魯賓美術館年度專刊《Spiral》封面;2023年榮獲Sovereign藝術基金會 提名入選第19屆傑出亞洲藝術獎,獎項計有亞太區共400位藝術家入圍,最終選出30位藝術家進入決選,金寶是第一位入圍決選的不丹當代藝術家。

Gyempo Wangchuk徹底翻轉了不丹傳統唐卡繪畫的面貌,結合當代藝術的視覺語言與概念,樹立其在不丹當代藝術難以忽視的地位。

Tansbao artist Gyempo Wangchuk is the only artist in Bhutan who excels in both traditional thangka painting and contemporary art.

As the youngest thangka master in Bhutan‘s art history, Gyempo has won the Bhutan National Thangka Competition (National Design and Art Competition NDAC) four times. In 2023, he was honored with the title of “Master of Artisan” in thangka painting, the highest accolade from the nation, earning him the reputation of ”Bhutan’s Thangka Genius.“

Yet Gyempo‘s passion for art extends is beyond thangka achievements. In 2012, he ventured into contemporary art, training under Asha Kama, the father of contemporary art in Bhutan. In 2021, he participated in a collaborative project with the Rubin Museum of Art in the United States. In 2022, his work ”Healing“ was featured on the cover of the museum‘s annual publication, ”Spiral.“ In 2023, he was nominated by the Sovereign Art Foundation for the 19th  Sovereign Asian Art Prize , out of 400 artists from the Asia-Pacific region, with only 30 advancing to the final selection. Gyempo is the first contemporary artist from Bhutan to reach the final round.

Gyempo Wangchuk has transformed the landscape of traditional thangka painting in Bhutan. He combines contemporary visual language and concepts, establishing an undeniable presence in Bhutan‘s contemporary art scene.




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